Wednesday, 31 December 2014

End of Year thoughts

Wow, have I been inactive on here the past few months. Seems that's the way all my blog attempts go.

I haven't been quiet hobby wise though. Check out my Youtube channel first and foremost, it's always up to date, at least as much as I can make it.

As for what I've got finished this year.

I successfully got my Orcs & Goblins painted, as you can see my past posts for some pics full army pics. I have now started expanding it with the less than optimal choices as I do want this army to continue to grow (It's my first love). At this stage the pieces I'm planning on adding are

  • Black Orcs + Grimgor
  • Arachnarok (started painting, need to finish)
  • More and more Goblins

First 10 Black Orcs

I have also helped organise a local slow grow league where we start with 500 points and add 250 each month until November, making a 2500 point list. For this, I've chosen to go Daemons of Chaos. The initial list is Tzeentch themed, however, I'm not adverse to adding Khorne down the track as I think I'll need it in a 2500 list. :(

Test Screamer

My first horror unit all Gateway ready ;)
So hopefully 2015 is going to be a busy hobby year and by the end I should have 3 nicely painted armies. With 9th hopefully dropping, my Empire shouldn't be neglected as it sounds like it'll have some new toys as well.

Have a safe new year and see you on the other side

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

September Wrap-up

Well it's been a little too long between updates. I've kept the hobby going, but with some interruptions, didn't manage to get as much games in.

So I'll just skip through quickly what I've been up to.

Greatest achievement, finishing Azhag :) Very pleased with the result

I also took some full shots of both my armies (Empire & Orcs) that I have completed in the past year

Love how this picture came out
For those keeping track at home, I also have 3 battle reports for the month

I'll try keep up the updates this month as practice picks up for a tournament in 3 weeks and thoughts move towards my next army :)

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Practise HoD Game @ Manday

Got a practise 3000 pt game in today and Manday but it was pretty rushed so not enough pictures for one of my +Gommo's Itchy Nuisance bat reps :(

It's my Orcs (with Warboss/Wyvern/Spider build) taking on an Empire list with 2 cannons, hellblaster + stank! I didn't expect to have my Wyvern around for long, he had to stay tight to those trolls.

In the end, ended up 12.5-7.5 win, with my wyvern warboss surviving, but my Spider didn't (2 cannon shot death turn 1 :( )

But my 8 trolls spewed through a unit of 12 Reiksguard, GM/Runefang, BSB, Warrior priest unit! And had 4 trolls still standing. Go the vomit!!

Two weeks left till the tournament so should have my Wyvern finished by then. Skullmuncher is getting close

Saturday, 16 August 2014

My horde of savages complete. ... enough for my list at least

Finally got through that savage orc horde. It was a tough slog but they turned out ok.

I'm going to also add another 6-7 as archers that I can replace the front rank with. Hopefully opponents are ok with that if I want to switch to arrer boyz for a game.

If you want to see how badly I use them though, check out my latest bat rep

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Weekend Wrap-up #4

Well it's been a good few weeks again since my last update. !! Ooops.

Luckily I have been keeping busy, and plodding through painting more Orcs & Trolls. Four out of nine trolls are complete which is an entire front rank in this unit of 8. (With 1 remaining to act as single redirector)

The trolls are actually quite enjoyable to paint and the style I've gone with is fast yet looks effective.

The savage orcs on the other hand! Aargh, they're a pain to paint. So I've borrowed (stolen?) from Luke Davis and gone with remounting 3 Orcs to 50mm bases. This will cut down on having to paint 4 whole orcs, (Yay!) but makes the unit SO much easier to rank up.

2 of the bases done

Well over half a horde finished!!
I've have 2x50mm bases to still finish, with probably 2-3 individual orcs to flesh out the unit of 40. Once they're complete, along with last 5 trolls, I'll have a good size 2400/2500 list all ready for action.

Then, it will be on to adding some elements to make it a little 'fun'. My current purchases were basically the net list. So I'm looking at adding

  • An Arachnarok. This thing looks too good not to paint and have. One thing I miss compared to my Empire, are some center piece items, and this is one of them. Also...
  • 1-2 Wyverns. Of course they won't see action every game, but I want to have the option
Until next time...

Saturday, 12 July 2014

What's on my painting table?

... Quite a bit actually and I haven't got around to updating my blog :( So what have I got up to in the past few weeks hobby wise?

First up, the plan was to try do a troll a week. I finished a second and then got side tracked painting up some GW fences and building some GW size forests (will post pics of the forests later)

Seems weird to buy something you can make yourself but those fences do look super cool. In addition I got hold of a new Savage shaman model that I started.

Then, I ended up attending a 1 day tournament (last week) so I had to paint up 14 new archers, which side tracked me further :). I finished 5 fully and got 9 others to the washed stage, so know have to get back to highlights and details.

Most recently I acquired a new hellblaster to replace the old metal one I have. (or to field 2 when I want to be douche)

Jeez I have too much on and need to finish some of these!!

Also, you can see my totally lacklustre and frustrating performance from last weekend. Game 1 is up on youtube (see below)

Thanks for reading, and I'll try get back to some weekly updates this week

Sunday, 15 June 2014

First paint job on my trolls

I finished up a troll this weekend (well at least mostly) to see how the red/yellow scheme will look and what paint colours to use on it.

I had to grab the War Paint yellow that matches the yellow primer I used, but as usual, it's total crap (as most yellows tend to be). I found mixing a little citadel white in made it useable.

Let me know what you think. I'm hoping they stand out nice alongside the green savages.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Winter Carnage 2014

This past weekend I attended a 2 day Warhammer event called Winter Carnage, held @ Good Games in Sydney.

I've posted the first battle report up, more to follow, and stop reading now if you don't want to see my results.

In the end I only won 2 out of 5 which wasn't great, finishing 14/22.

However, the best news was winning the best painted army prize ($100) which was totally unexpected and awesome. Deeply honored.

It was a great 2 days and hope to get back there in a few months for their next one.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Weekend Wrap-up #3

Well, the weekend is coming to a close here and it was a great family weekend. So not as much painting as usual, which was fine, as I only planned on finishing 10 Night Goblins.

But that is done and my small bunker is ready for the table

This week, again, I'm going to take it pretty easy due to work and a busy Warhammer week the next week so budgeting time between hobby and life :)

I'm going to try get 3 more Savage Orcs done and a test figure of a new Wood Elf blood bowl team I recently purchased.

I also received my Karl Franz bitz in the mail so at some stage, will need to get him up ready for a game

Stay tuned for pics

Friday, 16 May 2014

My Empire takes on a Bretonnian force

Got another game in this past Tuesday. This time my Empire (with some SCGT comp changes to test) against a Bretonnian force.

It's on youtube, enjoy

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Weekend Wrap-up #2

Past weeks target was ...

  1. Finish first 10 of 20 Night Goblins. These just need highlighting and some small detail work
  2. Finish last 2 crew of 2nd boar chariot
Some BFSP Night Goblins painted

Well I achieved that and also my 2nd rock lobber arrived so I sprang into painting action and got that finished too.

The overall quality on my Orc army is decent table top standard but that's about it. I'm just impatient to get this on the table :)

A second rock lobber arrives to double the odds of hitting

I'm particularly happy that all my Chaff and Artillery pieces are finished. Now I just need to finish the actual foot troops and Trolls. Specifically that is
  1. 27 Savage Orcs to finish the Horde of 40
  2. 6-8 Trolls (Depending on list)
  3. 10 more NGs
  4. Strip and repaint 1-2 Night Goblin Shamans and/or paint a new Savage Orc Shaman on foot

This weeks target is

  1. Finish last 10 of 20 Night Goblins to finish my small bunker unit off.
I think I'll take the painting easy this week. Have another battle coming up Tuesday night so hopefully you'll see a battle report this week between my Empire and a Bretonnian army. Stay tuned on my youtube channel for updates.

So how are your painting goals going?

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

New wood elves!

An Averland company escorting Volkmar the Grim back to Altdorf was set upon by a host of wood elves led by Drycha and an Ancient Treeman.

How do they fair with their new improved book?


Sunday, 4 May 2014

Weekend Wrap-up #1

What did I get done this weekend?

Finally got the crew of Boar Chariot #1 finished.

Orc boar boyz, ready to roll
Also, grabbed the new Wood Elf book and started playing around with some autumn colours. Not totally sold on this one but at least seeing what types of colours I have and what I may need to buy.

Terracotta Vallejo colour is awesome!

This weeks target

  1. Finish first 10 of 20 Night Goblins. These just need highlighting and some small detail work
  2. Finish last 2 crew of 2nd boar chariot

Friday, 2 May 2014

Metal Mage for something different

I've pretty much exclusively used light for my empire army. I'm attending a tournament end of May and thinking of running metal for something different. So, I needed a new Mage :). Colour scheme thieved straight from GW but I think they got this one right. I hope I did him justice

I'm also planning on building a bit of fluff behind my Averland empire army so stay tuned.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

April Man Day Games

Here's the battle reports on youtube of the 2 games I got in last weekend.

First was my Orcs vs Beastmen under ETC comp.

Then I played my Empire vs High Elves under SCGT comp. Interesting comp differences

Friday, 18 April 2014

Witch hunter arrives to slay those worshippers of the false easter god!!

Happy Easter everyone! I had some fun tonight painting up the witch hunter model for my Empire army. Not sure how much game time he'll see but the figure looks pretty cool.

My main goal is to try out some edge highlighting so I didn't divert too much from the GW stock paint job.

Trying to get a decent shot of his face

I think he turned out pretty nice for an evenings painting.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Orcs and Empire fight it out in a bloody battle

Warhammer Tuesday pitted my in progress Orc & Gobbo army against my own Empire army, played by one of my mates.

Ended up being one of the most bloodiest battles I've played with almost all figures gone from both armies.

The steam tank comes crashing into the Savage Orcs rear

2 fanatics and a mangler!! I'm outta here

Battle report is on Youtube

Monday, 7 April 2014

Rock lobber #1 arrives for the Orcs

Picked up a rock lobber last week to replace my scratch built ones, and got it painted this past weekend.

Quick job but happy with how it turned out.

I still have to post Game 2 & 3 of the tournament I went to last week. You can find game #2 on Warhammer Youtubers already but haven't got around to posting game 3 yet.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Game 1 of 3 - March 2014 Good Games Tournament

I've posted Game 1 of 3 of a local one day tournament up on youtube. I hope to have the other 2 up in the next day or so when I fix my computer woes :( SSD corrupted

Hope you enjoy

Sunday, 23 March 2014

New Arch Lector Finished

Here's my newly painted Arch Lector model. I've been using an old Warhammer Quest model for my Warrior Priest/Arch Lector that I painted about 8 years ago. The new model fits in better to the style of my Empire army.

The yellow cloak ties him into my Averland theme
Kept the cloak fairly dark. All my warrior priests sport a red cloak.

I rushed him a bit in the end so not totally happy with the gold, but the cloak came out OK and most importantly, he strikes a good figure from a top his War Altar :).

Arch Lector hears the call of (tournament) war, this weekend

Mangler squigs hear the Waaagh!

Finished my two mangler squigs this weekend. Here's a shot with two of my old doom divers that I previously stripped and repainted.

Getting very impatient for my Orcs to be ready for the table. I think I'll have to start playing with them unpainted though, to get in some practice.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Empire vs Daemon Battle

I got a game in this week against some Nurgle daemons. Sigmar and Karl Franz will be proud.

Here's a few pics below and you can view the battle report on youtube.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Hobby time update

Finished off my textured gaming board. Replaces my old 8'x4' felt covered table. I think it came up ok. I'm thinking I'll add some more different types of flock for some variety as well as I can use the flock on some new terrain I'll be building to blend everything in a little better.

New Textured Gaming Board

Here's my Averland army displayed on the table, just itching for an outing.

The army of Averland

Man Day!!

The last Sunday of each month is Man Day. I only was able to get one game in due to having to leave early. Played a game against some High Elves where I royally screwed up some rules that really cost me. Good way to learn though

The Empire practising against the High Elves with plastic swords and volley balls

In future I'm going to try create some video battle reports of my club games so stay tuned.

Youtube Channel

I also created my first YouTube battle report on a new channel - Gommo's Itchy Nuisance. See the link over to the right. The first match here was against a new opponent which is getting back into Fantasy (He's very experienced, just took a break).

Take a watch and let me know your thoughts, feedback etc..

And finally, some greenskin updates....

First 5 of 40, savage orcs done. It's going to be another horde painting slog, but looking forward to seeing my O&Gs on the table soon.

Savage orc champion furious he can't find the rest of his horde!!