Finished off my textured gaming board. Replaces my old 8'x4' felt covered table. I think it came up ok. I'm thinking I'll add some more different types of flock for some variety as well as I can use the flock on some new terrain I'll be building to blend everything in a little better.
New Textured Gaming Board |
Here's my Averland army displayed on the table, just itching for an outing.
The army of Averland |
Man Day!!
The last Sunday of each month is
Man Day. I only was able to get one game in due to having to leave early. Played a game against some High Elves where I royally screwed up some rules that really cost me. Good way to learn though
The Empire practising against the High Elves with plastic swords and volley balls |
In future I'm going to try create some video battle reports of my club games so stay tuned.
Youtube Channel
I also created my first YouTube battle report on a new channel -
Gommo's Itchy Nuisance. See the link over to the right. The first match here was against a new opponent which is getting back into Fantasy (He's very experienced, just took a break).
Take a watch and let me know your thoughts, feedback etc..
And finally, some greenskin updates....
First 5 of 40, savage orcs done. It's going to be another horde painting slog, but looking forward to seeing my O&Gs on the table soon.
Savage orc champion furious he can't find the rest of his horde!! |