Sunday, 15 June 2014

First paint job on my trolls

I finished up a troll this weekend (well at least mostly) to see how the red/yellow scheme will look and what paint colours to use on it.

I had to grab the War Paint yellow that matches the yellow primer I used, but as usual, it's total crap (as most yellows tend to be). I found mixing a little citadel white in made it useable.

Let me know what you think. I'm hoping they stand out nice alongside the green savages.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Winter Carnage 2014

This past weekend I attended a 2 day Warhammer event called Winter Carnage, held @ Good Games in Sydney.

I've posted the first battle report up, more to follow, and stop reading now if you don't want to see my results.

In the end I only won 2 out of 5 which wasn't great, finishing 14/22.

However, the best news was winning the best painted army prize ($100) which was totally unexpected and awesome. Deeply honored.

It was a great 2 days and hope to get back there in a few months for their next one.